Masculine and feminine elements

Each of the four elements can be categorized as masculine or feminine. This principle of polarity is noted in the Kybalion, which states that “gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine principles.” By gender, it doesn’t mean human physical / psychological characteristics, but rather the manner in which something creates. Masculine energies are active and produce by bringing things together or providing energy to move. Feminine energies produce by creating a space for generation or a matrix or substance in which something can be created.

Masculine Elements

warrior on a horse

The masculine elements are fire and air.

Fire is very active and has the energy of heat. It excites, motivates, and prods into action. It seeks things to energize and bring to motion.

Air has the activity of physical movement. It stirs things up allows for mixing and new combinations. It dries things out and lifts them.

Feminine Elements

The feminine elements are water and earth.

Water creates a matrix for things to mix together and grow. It provides nourishment and is like a womb in which creations can gestate.

Earth provides a substance that can be acted upon to create new things. It is clay that can be molded by the actions of air or fire.


The masculine and feminine energies work together to create. For example, earth without something to mold or animate it would just be a clump of dirt. But, fired by the vision of the artist and the wind of the artist’s action, that lump of earth can be transformed into a beautiful work of art.

This is also why the opposites attract. Air and earth people have a tendency to work well together, as to fire and water people. Their temperaments work well together for positive production and harmony.




Pop culture and the four elements: Harry Potter