Pop culture and the four elements: Harry Potter

The Harry Potter series has a ton of symbolism and esoteric information. One of the ways JK Rowling wove this knowledge into the story is through the four houses at Hogwarts - Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

Let’s look at each of these houses and their elements.

Hufflepuff - earth house

Hufflepuff crest

Gentle, inclusive, just, loyal, and industrious, the Hufflepuffs are earth people. Their house head is an herbologist, which is a very earthy profession. Melancholic, or earth temperament people, in general have are compassionate and hard-working and would fit with the overall vibe of a Hufflepuff person.

The symbolism of the house, with the badger mascot, herbologists, and basement common room, is definitely earth.

Ravenclaw - air house

Ravenclaw crest

The symbolism of the Ravenclaw house, with its lofty bird of prey, is fitting for an air tribe. Ravenclaw students are portrayed as intellectually gifted, competitive when it comes to grades, and somewhat unconventional about social expectations. Sanguine, or air temperament, people are similar - they love ideas and are very sociable.

The Ravenclaw common room is located in a high tower - up in the air - and to get into it you have to solve a riddle - use your noodle.

Slytherin - water house

This house has a snake as its mascot, known to lurk in the shadows in the in the waters. The crest has waves in the background of green. The students of Slytherin are cunning and have a tendency to stick together. It is also the house of last resort (like for Crabbe and Goyle) and, like water, tends to find its level. People with a water / phlegmatic temperament, although typically more kind, do have an intense loyalty to their family and tribe and will do anything to protect them — including being not so nice.

The common room is located below the waters of the lake, a fitting place for water folk.

Gryffindor - fire house

Gryffindor crest

With a lion (constellation Leo, a fire sign) as its mascot and its fiery red house color, Gryffindor is the house representing the fire element. The students sorted into Gryffindor are selected for their bravery and boldness but, on a negative note, also can display a bad temper. They can also engage in some risk behavior, as exemplified by the adventures of the trio Harry, Hermione, and Ron. These are typical choleric or fire traits.

A notable characteristic of the Gryffindor lounge is its warm central fire.

Balance is best!

So there you have it: all four elements in Harry Potter Hogwarts houses. It takes all four to have the balance needed to have a long standing and successful institution.


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