
The ancients believed that each element - earth, water, air, and fire - had two levels: physical and spiritual. We are familiar with the contents of the physical realm. In the subtle or spiritual realm, the ancients believed that each element was home to a type of creature, an elemental. The elementals are caretakers of each element and serve humanity by bringing forth the higher vibrations of each of these elements. Let’s look at each group.

Gnomes: earth elementals

Earthy gnomes are small creatures that control rocks, gems, and minerals. They are caretakers of the earth element and bring forth its rich and useful bounty. An example of gnomes are the Seven Dwarfs in Snow White, who toil all day in the mines. Another example is Rumplestiltskin, who was able to transform flax into gold.

Other types of gnomes are alive in the forest: satyrs, pans, and elves. Trees and shrubs are said to have their own spirits, as well.

Undines: water elementals

Beautiful and beguiling, undines or mermaids are the spiritual inhabitants of the water element. Each body of water is said to have an undine inhabiting it. These creatures are said to be typically of human size, and can mix with humans. Ultimately, they will go back to their home in the water. They are devoted to beauty and work to make the flowers bloom.

Salamanders: fire elementals

Rulers of fire, the fire elementals are said to take many forms, such as of the salamander, dragon, little balls of light, and tongues of flame. Unlike the typically friendly water and earth elementals, salamanders are tricky and dangerous. In the material world, they are responsible for keeping flames and sparks alight, and work in humanity through the emotions.

Sylphs: air elementals

The sylphs are what we typically think of as fairies. They are light, airy spirits who usually are helpful and friendly to humans. They were also known in Ancient Greece as the muses and were thought to be the emissaries of spiritual information via the oracles. They bring genius and ideas to humanity.


The number 4


Masculine and feminine elements