The number 4

That there are 4 elements is no accident. In sacred geometry, the number four is indicated by the square shape. It is a symbol of the earthly, material realm. According to Matthew Goodwin’s book Numerology: the Complete Guide, four is the number of limitation, order, and service. Let’s look at each in turn.


What is physical matter, in the conventional sense, but a limitation? The beauty of limitation is that allows for creativity within a set boundary. Within the duality of the chess board, for example, is a near infinite array of possibilities within a set of rules. Through the artificial limit of incarnation, spirit is able to experience physical reality.


The order inherent in four can be comforting in that it is useful for making sense out of life or a complex subject. On the other hand, it can also represent a narrow-mindedness or a prison. It is a double edged sword.


Through physical manifestation, matter serves the imagination and the desires of the human spirit. Four is the number of physical service to higher powers. Again, this can be good and bad, depending on the master. You are more in charge of things than you may realize.


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