Feelings and Vibration

Feelings are important.

They tell you whether things are good, bad, or neutral.

The problem with feelings is that they can seem like a mysterious and outside force over which you have no control. It is the mighty ocean in comparison to your tiny little boat. But I can tell you this — they are not! You are not at the mercy of your feelings!

How you can control your feelings


First thing is always first: AWARENESS. Feel that emotion and name it. A gnawing pit in your stomach - fear. Fidgeting - nervous, which is fear. Tightening up your face and your fists - anger. You get the idea. First thing is to stop, thing, and most importantly NAME the feeling.

emotional tone scale


An emotion is a feeling response to a thought. It is not a response to something in and of itself, but rather your interpretation of the event.

Here’s an example: you are walking along the street and someone bumps into you, and then you both move on unharmed. The person doesn’t say “excuse me” but just walks away. Those are the facts. Let’s say that, in response to that scenario, your mind starts saying, “What a jerk! That dummy can’t even look where he’s going.” And your feeling response may be to get angry. You have a cluster of thoughts that makes and negative judgement and then has a corresponding feeling. Alternately, your response could be “Oh maybe he tripped. I hope that person is OK. Looks like he is because he walked away without any problem.” This translation is fairly neutral and the thoughts (story) you told yourself about the scenario is neutral.

Your interpretation of an event is always malleable, meaning that it can change. If the story doesn’t feel good, make up another one. None of the stories that you make up will be the truth, but that’s ok. The truth is not knowable. So always believe the story that makes you feel the best and keeps you in the best vibration.


Sometimes, you just can’t get the feeling to be better. In that case, it’s best to release them. My favorite method of release is the Sedona Method. Ask yourself:

  1. Could I release the feeling?

  2. Would I release the feeling?

  3. When?

After doing the release, ask yourself how you feel about the situation. Keep on doing the three-question release until you get to an emotion that feels good to you.


Patterns of thought and reaction have been given years to solidify and will take some time to reprogram.

But be persistent. When you observe enough changes, it will be worth it to realize that you are in control of your experience.


Temperament in pop culture: Severance


Celebrity astrology: Jimmy Buffett