Celebrity astrology: Jimmy Buffett
Best known in the popular imagination as a margarita-sipping, guitar-strumming beach guy, Jimmy Buffett is an interesting balance of air and earth. In honor of his death on September 1, 2023, let’s take appreciate his life and unique pattern by looking at his astrology.
Jimmy Buffett’s birth chart.
Temperament calculation
Jimmy is a nearly even mix of air (sanguine) and earth (melancholy), with relatively little water and no fire.
Jimmy Buffet temperament calculation
Banishing the lows
With a lot of earth and air, Jimmy had a unique ability to feel the suffering and wrongs of the world deeply (earth), and whisk those feelings away to dissipate into the ocean breeze (air).
Here’s an interesting quote from him about balancing those lows with humor and fun:
But I think [escapism] is really a part of the human condition that you’ve got to have some fun. You’ve got to get away from whatever you do to make a living or other parts of life that stress you out. I try to make it at least 50/50 fun to work and so far it’s worked out.
If he were just mostly air, I don’t think he would have had the appreciation for what the lows bring - it would have been all surface and light. Part of what makes his music and brand so resonant with so many people is that he gets the crap feelings. You have to know the bad to appreciate the good.
Pied piper
Air people are inspirational and love to have fun, party, and socialize. They can get people excited about anything, and can inspire people to movement and action. Interestingly, Jimmy led a group of fans, Parrotheads, into his world of good vibes.
Perfomer and Artist
Melancholics love the arts and are great performers. Many of our most brilliant stars are melancholics. They have a great sense of the limitations of form and humanity and are able to weave those insights into performance.
Like any performer, Jimmy was playing a character for us. He was someone who knew what it was like to mess up, to suffer, to feel sad. But he showed us how to transform those feelings into camaraderie and vaporize those heavy burdens with laughter.
Rest in peace, Jimmy Buffett. Thanks for highlighting the good feelings and showing us all how to have a little fun.