Celebrity astrology chart analysis: Leonardo DiCaprio

For today’s horoscope analysis, let’s take a look at good ol’ Leo DiCaprio, the ‘90s heart-throb and famed actor. Is he really a phlegmatic? Let’s dive in and see.

First observations

I like to start by observing someone and getting some rough data points. Here are the facts on Leo:

  1. attractive rounded babyface

  2. rounded body (he’s not muscular, and hasn’t played in ultra masculine action roles where bodybuilding is necessary)

  3. above average height

  4. philanthropic, particularly with environmental issues

  5. has won or been nominated for numerous acting awards, often playing characters requiring portrayal of complex and varied emotions

  6. not a lot of information about his real personality, health, or other data

My initial guess here is that he is a phlegmatic, characterized by cold and wet element water (or phlegm humor).

Leonardo DiCaprio sitting on the beach

Ok this is a particularly unflattering image, but I think you get the point about his physical body type.

The astrology data

Now to the astrology. If you’re curious about Leo’s full birth chart, you can find it here.

When evaluating temperament, I look at the ascendant (or the sign on the eastern horizon at the time of birth), the moon, and the sun.

  • Leo’s ascendant is in Libra, an air sign ruled by Venus.

  • His moon is in the last quarter, in Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury.

  • His sun is in Scorpio, a water sign ruled traditionally by Mars. He was born in the fall season.

Each of these data points is given a weighting, and the overall result is that Leo has 4 points for hot, 7 points for cold, 9 points for wet, and 2 points for dry. He is cold and wet, which corresponds to phlegmatic.

The verdict?

Leo’s totally a phlegmatic! Let’s compare typical phlegmatic traits with what we know about him.

  • Physically, phlegmatics tend to be round and fleshy, with round faces, round eyes, relatively large head, and on the shorter side. Leo is less athletic looking than the majority of male actor celebrities, which fits the description, here. But, he is taller than average, which is not typical for a phlegmatic.

  • Phlegmatics are concerned with their communities and being of service, which fits Leo’s dedication to charities and environmental causes.

  • Professionally, phlegmatics can be meticulous craftsmen. It would be fair to say that, as a highly regarded actor, Leo is skilled at his craft of acting.

  • Phlegmatics are known for their placid outward demeanor but significant emotional depth. What a boon for an actor who is known for bringing complicated emotional reactions to the screen but keeping his private self a secret.

Curious about your temperament? Get a report for yourself, and find more detailed insights on your temperament.


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