Rihanna and A$AP Rocky: fire and water

OK Rihanna’s been in the public eye even more than usual lately. She and her partner A$AP Rocky, along with their child, recently graced the cover of Vogue.

What I find interesting about the body language, here, is that Rihanna is leading and A$AP Rocky is trailing, oriented toward the child.

From a temperament standpoint, this is very fitting. As I discussed on the last post, Rihanna is a choleric or fire person. She naturally takes the lead and sets the vision. A$AP Rocky, however, is her opposite, a phlegmatic or water person. Phlegmatic are typically calm. They are great team players and are family oriented.

Here’s the breakdown from his birth chart.

We don’t know his birth time, but no matter what it is, the guy’s a phlegmatic.

Although quite successful in his own right, he seems ok with taking a backseat to his lady. As a water person, he may be more comfortable in the role of providing stability and calm in their lives.

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Celebrity astrology: Rihanna