Phlegmatic Human Rights Activists

Phlegmatics, or water people, are known for being peaceful and calm, but they have a very strong sense of right and wrong. If you push them too far, they can muster the force of a tsunami.

One of the most famous civil rights activists in history, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is a phlegmatic. Physically, he has a round face and youthful, rounded eyes. Contrast his peaceful but powerful approach with the more militant approach of Malcolm X, a choleric (or fire) person.

MLK and Malcolm X, water and fire

Another phlegmatic fighter is Erin Brockovich. She is legal professional known for her work fighting big corporations on behalf of the public. More recently, she has been in the news for helping the people of East Palestine, OH, after the chemical spill and fire that occurred there.

Train derailment

Lastly is the unlikely phlegmatic Abraham Lincoln. His tall stature, athleticism, and law background make me think he’s more of a melancholic, but his astrology says phlegmatic. He was committed to keeping the Union together. Phlegmatics like to keep the family together and to maintain cohesiveness.

The bottom line is, don’t sleep on phlegmatics. When they feel like the have to act, they will do so and with incredible force and determination.


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