Celebrity Temperament Analysis: David Bowie

Creative, unusual, genius: David Bowie was a singular musician and artist. He was at the forefront of many cultural phenomena, and was an icon of popular culture across the globe. Staying relevant and fresh up to his last album, he was a keen observer and predictor of social trends and was able to morph throughout the changing times.

Physically, he was thin and on the short side. His build allowed him to play up the androgynous character of his 1970s persona. Some say that people with sanguine tendencies tend to have a widow’s peak, and he has a slight one.

David Bowie, early photo

Although it is difficult to know what celebrities are really like, his wife, Iman, spoke of how playful and gentle he was with his daughter, and how he loved the white birch trees in their country property.

The astrology

Astrologically, Bowie is a melancholic with a slight preponderance of cold and dry. This accounts for his artistry, keen social insight, and sense of humor.

He also has a hefty dose of the hot and wet sanguine, which contributes to his changeable persona and his ability to adapt so well. His sanguine side also probably helped protect him from the more depressive aspects of being a melancholic.


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